Three Things to Know About Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Acupuncture and herbal medicine often go hand-in-hand. Herbal medicine is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, as appropriate, to support the body’s healing process. Just like a traditional medical prescription, herbs are prescribed by Oriental Medicine practitioners to address a variety of health concerns. They are often prescribed as formulas rather than specific individual herbs and are tailored to the needs of the patient. And just like traditional prescription medicine, herbs are adjusted as the patient’s needs change. Some Western hospitals are now utilizing Chinese herbs in their treatment protocols. For example, the Cleveland Clinic has a licensed and certified Chinese herbalist on staff. continue reading
Establishing Care with Your Acupuncture Practitioner
Acupuncture has a proven track record of success but if you haven’t yet added acupuncture to your health care routine, then it’s important to note that your experience will greatly depend on the acupuncture provider you ultimately choose. And the best way to determine the right acupuncturist for you is to identify your specific health care needs and goals. It makes sense, right; when we like and trust our health care providers, our experiences tend to be more positive. And trusting a provider is easier when you know they have the proper training and credentials to address your specific needs.
And if you are here on this website, you already have this goal in mind. Different states and jurisdictions have different training and educational requirements. Don’t hesitate to ask about training, specialties, or advanced education. We want you to be confident in our care. continue reading